Communitech Launches Data.Base, the World’s First Structured Big Data Ecosystem

Communitech has launched Data.Base, which it claims is the world’s first structured big data ecosystem.

Data.Base, a collaboration amongst government, academia, and the private sector formerly known as Intelligent Media Networks, is funded by a $6.4-million contribution to Communitech from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario’s Technology Development Program. The program aims to harness the power of big data to drive new business creation and job growth.

“We are excited by the possibilities the Data.Base program represents for job creation in southern Ontario,” stated the Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State for FedDev Ontario. “Harnessing the power of big data is a massive challenge, but one that has incredible potential to change the way business functions in every industry.”

Data.Base’s goal is to build a collaborative cluster of academic, not-for-profit, and for-profit organizations to explore technology-driven ways to collect massive amounts of untapped data utilizing innovative sensor technology; transfer big data from remote areas, across greater distances, in real-time, securely; analyze big data more intelligently utilizing advanced algorithms; visually represent intelligent information for a wide range of applications and end user needs; commercialize big data applications across a range of market sectors

“Our first project, to launch satellites and mine shipping data for commercial use, is only the tip of the iceberg,” says Glenn Smith, Data.Base’s Program Director. “As the program moves forward and new partners join the collaboration, we’re set to explore new and innovative data gathering methods, such as remote sensors. Our ultimate goal is to help build an infrastructure for commercializing big data in a way that has never been attempted before.” 

Some current members of the program include exactEarth, a data services company; the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), a scientific research institute at the University of Waterloo; and Rowan Williams Davies and Irwin Inc., a firm of consulting engineers and scientists. Others include the UTIAS Space Flight Laboratory and the Centre for Research in Earth & Space Science.