Ottawa Startup Sworly Makes Music Discovery on YouTube Easy

Pinterest has championed an innovative way of allowing users to share web content. It builds on the notion that there is a select set of users who love curating information and many others who could stand to benefit from their hard work.

Ottawa-based startup Sworly is determined to apply that same logic to the music universe.

With four billion videos being watched everyday, YouTube is unconditionally the most popular resource for streaming music. The library of songs on YouTube is larger than that of any other available service.

But the vastness of the library is a double-edged sword because it inherently leads to clutter. There are hundreds of versions of every song and it frustrates users to traverse through a series of duds. Browsing on YouTube is yet another issue because the service is not built around the concept of music discovery.

Sworly does the leg-work to find the most applicable video for each song and delivers an intuitive sharing platform to promote music discovery.

While there are many sites that let you share YouTube videos, Sworly’s value proposition is that they help users with a similar taste in music to find one another and discover new songs by sampling the playlists of those they find interesting. The core building block of Sworly is that each profile is a playlist which acts as a “musical fingerprint” to identify the user to the Sworly network.

Sworly is boot-strapped and was co-founded by Carleton Computer Science student Kailash Subedi and Richard Ivey grad Sunil Acharya.