This is What Barack Obama Sees When HootSuite Sends Him Social Media Analytics Reports

HootSuite is very popular these days. The social media dashboard boasts four million users, including nearly 200,000 paying Pro and Enterprise users.

And some of those paying userd are very, very big clients. Among them? HP, McDonald’s, Pepsi, and the Los Angeles Kings—the latter who we just noted this morning were the NHL’s best-performing team this year both on the ice and on Twitter.

In fact, even Prime Minister Stephen Harper and US President Barack Obama use HootSuite. Which got us thinking—when Barack gets his social analytics reports, does he observe the same branding HootSuite is famous for, with its adorable owls and fun attitude?

Apparently so. According to a recent profile of the Canadian startup by Russ Martin for, “when HootSuite corresponds with Obama’s office or the UN, its documents still feature owl cartoons. But the owls are sophisticated, their beaks poking out of business suits.” 

So there you have it. Among HootSuite’s 100-plus owl designs are President-certified business owls. I wonder which tailor they go to?